On Kawara

About the Artist

On Kawara was born in Japan in 1932 and lived and worked in New York from 1965 until his passing in 2014. For over fifty years, Kawara explored the relationship with history, the passage of time, and its impact on human existence through a rigorous and radical artistic practice. As one of the most important conceptual artists, Kawara meticulously and obsessively appropriated the essence of time to redefine the very concept of eternity. In 1969, he created a ten-volume book, One Million Years, in which he enumerates, one by one, the last billion years that have passed, giving materiality and physical presence to the passage of time.

I got up


I got up


Ink on 97 mailed postcards

A tangible and emotional theme of contemporary art is certainly time. Time, seen as the artist’s own transience, seen as medium or as creating force, and at the same time time as subject of the artwork. Time as a life project, as a tool to illustrate histories of the past or as a witness to the Zeitgeist.