We inform you that the book presentation dedicated to the exhibition Re-Materialization of Language. 1978-2022 (01.10.2022 — 10.06.2023), planned for January 17, is postponed to Friday February 28.

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Support the Foundation’s exhibitions and activities to bring an increasingly wider public closer to contemporary art: donate your 5×1000 to Fondazione Antonio Dalle Nogare.

As a taxpayer it is possible to devolve via the income declaration a 5 per 1000 share of your income tax (IRPEF).



Donating your 5 per 1000 to the Fondazione Antonio Dalle Nogare is easy:

1.      In the Income Declaration form (Modello Unico, 730, CUD) look for: “Scelta per la destinazione del Cinque per Mille dell’IRPEF”

2.     Sign in the box “Sostegno degli enti del terzo settore iscritti nel RUNTS di cui all’art. 46, c. 1, del d.lgs. 3 luglio 2017, n. 117, comprese le cooperative sociali ed escluse le imprese sociali costituite in forma di società, nonché’ sostegno delle Onlus iscritte all’anagrafe”

3.     Insert the fiscal code of Fondazione Antonio Dalle Nogare in the space provided: 94139120219



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