During the winter holidays, we are open every Saturday (21 December, 28 December and 4 January included) from 9.30 AM to 7.30 PM offering a free guided tour at 11 AM.




The Foundation’s Library hosts a collection of more than 1300 books on contemporary art – monographs, catalogues, magazines, artists’ books and editions – on the artists and the artworks in the collection, but more generally on all the most significant artistic movements from the mid-twentieth century onwards. Born from Dalle Nogare’s passion for the study of contemporary art and reading, this ever-expanding collection is now at disposal of the Foundation’s visitors, who can consult the volumes at the Foundation’s premises, during the museum’s opening hours or by appointment.


The Library is therefore a starting point for studying and communicating contemporary art, and it actively supports the exhibition activities of the Foundation.


For further information on the consultation, please contact us by telephone at +39 0471 971 626 or by email at visit@fondazioneantoniodallenogare.com.



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