We inform you that the book presentation dedicated to the exhibition Re-Materialization of Language. 1978-2022 (01.10.2022 — 10.06.2023), planned for January 17, is postponed to Friday February 28.

17th edition Day for Contemporary Art AMACI


For the seventeenth edition of the Day for Contemporary Art AMACI on Saturday December 11, 2021, the Antonio Dalle Nogare Foundation will be open to all for free from 10 AM to 6 PM.



There will be a kids workshop inside of the exhibition FROM B TO E AND MORE by Charlotte Posenenske as well as the launch of a virtual tour of the exhibition.



To ensure the safety of all visitors, participation to the workshop is by reservation only (places are limited), by writing to visit@fondazioneantoniodallenogare.com or calling +30 0471 971 626.



10.30 AM – Kids workshop “The sound of forms and colours” (recommended age 4-8)
11.00 AM – launch of virtual tour FROM B TO E AND MORE by Charlotte Posenenske



Kids workshop (circa 1 hour):
The sound of forms and colours

We always imagine the artworks in museums as very quiet, but in reality they hide colorful sounds and a lot of rhythm! In this workshop we will help the artworks to find their voice: red, yellow, blue and black geometric installations will come alive in a colorful concert full of different sounds. After giving them their voice, we will turn into artists ourselves and create a small portable work of art, a pop-up-sculpture in the shapes and colours as in Charlotte Posenenske’s exhibition. And the special effect? Our pop-up-sculptures have their very own sound.



The visit as well as the participation in the workshops is free of charge. The museum can only be accessed with a valid Green Pass.



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