We inform you that the book presentation dedicated to the exhibition Re-Materialization of Language. 1978-2022 (01.10.2022 — 10.06.2023), planned for January 17, is postponed to Friday February 28.

International Museum Day 2023


International Museum Day 2023

21 May 2023





On the occasion of International Museum Day 2023, the Antonio Dalle Nogare Foundation opens to the public for the entire day on Sunday 21 May, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The exhibitions Re-Materialization of Language. 1978-2022 and David Lamelas. I Have to Think About It are currently running. Please refer to the opening times of the exhibition Re-Materialization of Language. 1978-2022 for the workshops’ schedule. Thank you.



I am a paper / I am a line – A family workshop with the art educator Francesca Fattinger


In the framework of the exhibition Re-Materialization of Language. 1978-2022, children and adults are invited to play together to discover the magical worlds hidden behind a sheet of paper and a line. Our body will be our pen, it will become writing that leaves traces, writing that moves in space, writing that mixes with the lines traced by others and transform, writing that is silent at times and amused at others. Playing between giant sheets of paper, lines of all kinds and rhythms, together we will understand how we can communicate without words, as do the artists in the exhibition, and how one can practice communication in which caring and listening are the real protagonists!

The workshop, curated by Francesca Fattinger, is designed as a moment of sharing and discovery for children and adults. For each child, the presence of an adult is required, who is invited to join in the activity with her/him. How many new things will you discover from each other? It’s time to play together!


Age: from 6 to 99 years

Duration: approximately 1.5 h

Time: 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.

Free admission, reservation required:

stephanie@fondazioneantoniodallenogare.com, 0471 971 626





Re-Materialization of Language. 1978-2022 – The body and the written language as instruments of the making of identities. With psychologist Miriam Gandolfi and associate curator Vittoria Pavesi.


The exhibition Materializzazione del linguaggio (Materialization of Language), curated in 1978 by artist and poet Mirella Bentivoglio, included the verbo-visual research of 90 international female artists and poets who, by narrating the “relationship between woman and language,” materialized a language understood as an unconditioned way of communication, incorporating a transgressive identity expression, at once poetic and critical, of radical rejection of the patriarchal language.

The artworks in this exhibition provide a starting point for reflecting on the development of written and nonverbal language and the evolutionary journey of each child, resulting from the need to communicate and build relationships.

Through the works on display, Miriam Gandolfi, a developmental psychologist who has been working on this issue since 1977, will address with an innovative approach the problem of the “epidemic” of specific learning disorders (SLD) that seems to have struck children in the global North countries.

After a tour of the exhibition with associate curator Vittoria Pavesi, participants will be guided to a round table through a scientific but accessible pathway for all, to rethink the problem and its implications in a radically different way. A meeting which looks froward to re-establish the body and the invention of languages at the center of the development of a fundamental achievement for every human being: communication and the creation of an identity.


Duration: approximately 1 h

Time: 4 p.m.

Language: in Italian

Free admission



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